Doesn't it ring true that, no matter how high your "highs" in life are, even in the middle of them, we often feel less than?...
You achieved a goal, you got a promotion, you finished a project. "Yay!" Says the mind and body... for about 10 seconds... before we begin getting anxious about "the next thing", or "the thing that went wrong instead of right".
As an ambitious, driven doer, there is no end... We don't over-celebrate victories because the "top" is always higher than we are at any given moment.
Effective? YES. Healthy? Not Always...
I have recently been experiencing extreme highs AND lows simultaneously, a phenomenon through which I have been analyzing how much to take a second and live in the high as is, and how much to keep my head down and push even further.
One of my "ups"? I have been making strides in my career I have been working towards for the past two years.
The consequential "down"? In trying to prove myself further, I suffered a physical injury, and for the time being cannot participate in my profession which I have been working towards...
My extra "push" has now slowed me down.
The takeaway? Learn to mediate your drive. It sounds like a contradiction, as drive is an organic quality released almost subconsciously when we are fighting for something.
To be able to control it, however, is desirable. Then we celebrate and feel the highs as we should, maintain the level we are at when it is best, and harness our drive at the opportune moment.